Larry Hargrave
The world is once again at a crossroads.
We are seeing unprecedented chaos, intense division, civil unrest, and fear. We don't understand one another though we are more "connected" than ever before. Income gaps are widening and so are the generation gaps. But, this is also the place where hope is born. If chaos didn't exist neither would organization. We have a rare opportunity at this crossroads to make inroads for Christ and his Kingdom. In order to make that transformation and to become the leaders that will shift the direction our culture is heading we must move from reaction to response. We can. Many do and many more are moving towards it. Because at the crossroads of chaos and mayhem is also order and innovation. We are poised as leaders in the Kingdom of Christ to know a peace that surpasses all understanding and to know Jesus. This puts us in a place to immediately calm our mechanisms and move from reactive to responsive.
My work for the last few decades has been centered in just this space. With a masters from Texas Tech and years of running a clinical practice as a psychotherapist, I first noted these patterns. Along with a couple of other key concepts it's led me to success in publishing, founding, leading, and/or sitting on the board of leading non-profits and ministries, as well as consulting thought leaders in ministries and beyond on how to build the right culture for innovation with a message that's thousands of years old but never been more timely. We are at a crossroads and the world's asking for an answer to its chaos, division, unrest, and fear.
It's never been a better time to respond.